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About Us

About Us

OKURA (”御蔵”),意指「寶庫」,而我們的OKURA,則是為生活文化賦予新意義的「寶庫」。 我們從CURATION STORE概念出發,本著「愛用」的理念,於日本各地網羅擁有設計理念的生活小品及衣履品牌,蒐集具個性且讓人想要好好保存的貨品,並把日式生活美學融入店舖當中,劃分成服飾、家品、工藝品及文具雜貨等不同部分,特意騰出展覽空間,不定期邀請各地創作單位參展,從生活小品的設計到生活品味的欣賞,藉此體現出OKURA所持的一份態度:執著於生活美學的追求。

Meaning ‘Treasure Trove’ in Japanese, OKURA is a curation store that offers a carefully selected array of quality products which features unique design concepts. With an aspiration to redefine the perception of modern living that is free from the restraints of trends, OKURA believes in products that last a lifetime. The clothing and collectables personally handpicked from all over Japan by our experienced team all represent unique aesthetic values and individualities that encourage lifetime appreciation. Not resigned to being just a concept store, OKURA has also incorporated an exhibition area that occasionally showcases works by local creative units, to create an accessible platform for fascinations and inspirations. 


G/F & M/F, 1 Shin Hing Street, Central, Hong Kong

Mon - Sat 12:00-20:00
Sun 12:00-19:00

T. +852-6627-7537 (Whatsapp available)



Shop 133, K11 MUSEA, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Mon -Sun 11:00-20:00

T. +852-9717-0757